What Can Freight Transport Management Software Do For Transportation Businesses?

The chemical shipping industry plays an important role in the economy, however manual management often leads to many undesirable things such as information exit failures, order errors, and difficulties in the process. tracking, high load operating costs,…

Freight transport management software was born as an optimal solution to solve the above problems, helping businesses improve operational efficiency and save costs, and be able to strictly control transport activities, Minimize errors, improve service quality and increase competitiveness.

Let’s learn with TNK about freight transport management software, the benefits and features of the software as well as related issues when using the software.

What is freight transport management software?

What is freight transport management software?

Transportation Management System – (TMS) is software developed to help businesses automate and optimize their transportation activities.

Helping manage entire freight operations, from order receipt until goods are delivered to the final destination, the software automates many manual tasks, improving efficiency and transparency. for transportation activities.

Freight transport management software is classified into many different types based on business size and usage needs. Some popular types of freight transport management software include:

  • Transportation management software for small and medium-sized businesses: This type of software often has basic features such as order management, shipment tracking, revenue reporting,… suitable to the needs of users. Small and medium-sized enterprises whose transport operations are not too large.
  • Transportation management software for large businesses: This type of software has full basic and advanced features, including multimodal transportation management, warehouse management, financial management,… suitable for the needs of large enterprises with large and complex transport operations.
  • Transportation management software by industry: This type of software is designed to meet the specific needs of each business industry, such as transportation management software for the dangerous goods transportation industry, Transport management software for the refrigerated transport industry,…
  • Cloud-based transportation management software: This type of software is provided over the internet, allowing businesses to access and use the software from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection.

Freight transport management software can also be classified by business model or type of transportation:

According to the business model

  • TMS (Transportation Management System) is a comprehensive transportation management system, including functions for all aspects of the transportation supply chain.
  • WMS (Warehouse Management System) is a warehouse management system that helps manage warehousing, warehousing, inventory and tracking goods.
  • 3PL (Third-Party Logistics) is a transportation management system provided by a third party that helps businesses outsource their transportation activities.

According to the type of transport

  • Road transport management software: For businesses transporting goods by road.
  • Sea transport management software: For businesses transporting goods by sea.
  • Air transport management software: For businesses transporting goods by air.

Benefits of freight transport management software

Benefits of freight transport management software

Freight transport management software brings many benefits to businesses, including

Increase operational efficiency

  • Automate manual tasks such as order creation, shipping planning, shipment tracking, etc. to save time and manpower.
  • Optimize transportation routes, minimize transit time and fuel costs.
  • Improve labor productivity, helping businesses transport more goods in the same amount of time.

Improve service quality

  • Provide updated information on goods status to customers quickly and accurately, helping to improve customer reliability and satisfaction.
  • Minimize damage and loss of goods during transportation, helping to improve service quality.
  • Meet customers’ increasing demands for fast, safe and effective transportation services.

Cut the cost

  • Optimize resource usage, including trucks, warehouses, manpower, etc., helping to reduce operating costs.
  • Minimize fuel costs and truck maintenance costs.
  • Improve warehouse management efficiency, help reduce storage costs.

Enhance transparency

  • Track and monitor all transportation activities, from order receipt until goods are delivered to the final destination.
  • Provides detailed reports on transportation performance, helping businesses make wise management decisions.
  • Improve transparency in transportation activities, helping to increase trust of customers and stakeholders.

Promote innovation

  • Providing data and detailed information about transportation operations, helping businesses discover new opportunities to improve operational efficiency and improve service quality.
  • Supporting businesses to develop innovative solutions to meet customer needs and solve challenges in the transportation industry.
  • Contribute to promoting innovation in the transportation industry, helping to improve the industry’s competitiveness.

Strengthen risk management

  • Identify and evaluate potential risks in transportation activities, thereby providing measures to prevent and minimize risks.
  • Monitor and manage problems that occur during transportation, helping to minimize damage and quickly fix problems.
  • Improve safety in transportation activities, helping to minimize damage to people and property.

Contribute to protect the environment

  • Optimize fuel usage and minimize emissions, contributing to environmental protection.
  • Monitor and supervise the treatment of hazardous waste generated during the transportation of goods, ensuring compliance with environmental protection regulations.
  • Promote green and sustainable transportation development, contributing to environmental protection for future generations.

Features of freight transport management software

Features of freight transport management software
Features of freight transport management software

Freight management software has many different features, depending on the type of software and the needs of the business. Some basic features of freight transport management software include:

  • The system creates, adjusts, monitors and operates freight orders.
  • Monitor the location, status and shipping history of each batch of goods.
  • Design transportation plans, share resources, monitor journeys and manage transportation tasks. Manage the receipt of goods, issuance of goods, preservation of goods and product attendance at storage areas.

Besides, the freight transport management software also has many other advanced features such as:

  • Manage the entire supply chain, from raw material procurement until products are delivered to customers.
  • Manage customer information, track shipping history and provide customer care services.
  • Manage driver information, track work performance and provide salary payment services.
  • Manage truck information, monitor truck operating status and maintenance.

Related issues when using freight transport management software

Related issues when using

Although freight management software (TMS) brings many benefits to businesses, there are also some issues to keep in mind when using this software, including:


  • The cost of purchasing software can be high, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Software implementation and maintenance costs can also be significant.
  • Businesses need to carefully consider these costs before deciding to invest in software.


  • Freight transport management software can be complicated to install, configure, and use.
  • Businesses need to train employees to use the software effectively.
  • Lack of training can lead to ineffective use of software and wasted resources.


  • The software needs to be integrated with other systems in the business such as accounting system (ERP), customer relationship management system (CRM),… to operate effectively.
  • Integrating software can be complex and expensive.
  • Businesses need to ensure that freight transport management software can integrate with their existing systems before purchasing.


  • The software stores confidential data about businesses and customers.
  • Businesses need to ensure that the software will be free from cyber attacks and data leaks.
  • A lack of security measures can lead to financial and reputational losses for businesses.


  • Businesses need to ensure that their freight management software provider provides good support.
  • Good support services will help businesses solve problems quickly and effectively.
  • A lack of support can lead to operational disruptions and financial losses for businesses.

Transport businesses need to carefully evaluate every aspect before making a decision to invest in freight transport management software. Businesses need to choose different but still suitable container Transport businesses need to carefully evaluate every aspect before making a decision to invest in freight transport management software. Businesses need to choose different but still suitable

Good operating efficiency is the foundation for businesses to build reputation and develop sustainably in today’s competitive environment. More than a tool, transportation management software is the key to promoting the development of the transportation industry and the economy in general, invest in the right freight management software to unlock its potential. , optimizing efficiency and resounding success in modern economic vehicle management.

TNK Technology & Solution Company Limited

Address: 137 Luy Ban Bich, Tan Thoi Hoa Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City

Hotline: 028 3961 6069 – 0978 700 220

Email: hotro@tnk.com.vn

Website: tnk.com.vn

Frequently asked questions
What is freight transport management software?
Transportation management software is a system that helps manage all freight transportation activities, from receiving orders until goods are delivered to the final destination. The software automates many manual tasks. , improving efficiency and transparency for transportation activities.
What are the outstanding features of freight transport management software?
The system creates, adjusts, monitors and operates freight orders. Monitor the location, status and shipping history of each batch of goods. Manage the receipt of goods, issuance of goods, preservation of goods and product attendance at storage areas.
What are the outstanding benefits of freight transport management software?
– Increase operational efficiency: Optimize transportation routes, minimize transportation time and fuel costs.
– Reduce costs: Optimize resource usage, including trucks, warehouses, manpower, etc., helping to reduce operating costs.
– Enhance transparency: Track and monitor all transportation activities, from order receipt until goods are delivered to the final destination.
– Enhance risk management: Monitor and manage incidents that occur during transportation, helping to minimize damage and quickly fix problems.
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